Tagged: windows vista

How to Increase Virtual Memory In Windows XP 0

How to Increase Virtual Memory In Windows XP

As the name implies, virtual memory is non-physical memory. Windows uses virtual memory when it doesn’t have enough "regular" physical memory to perform a task. When it does this, Windows uses your hard drive to store information that normally would be put into your Random Access Memory or RAM ....

Advantages Of Windows Vista Over XP? 0

Advantages Of Windows Vista Over XP?

Windows Vista was the most ambitious project of Microsoft this decade and can very well be treated as ‘unsuccessful’ if not ‘very unsuccessful’. Users who were using Windows XP have not dumped it out of their PCs and Laptops. Had it not been for Microsoft’s deals with vendors and hardware manufacturers, Vista would have had even less followers than are now. Though XP users find it hard to digest the pros of Vista over XP, there are some virtually very descent features in Vista that favor it over XP and other Windows OSs. I list out only few of the advantages.

Vista, Internet Explorer and Outlook tips 1

Vista, Internet Explorer and Outlook tips

Internet Explorer  Is tabbed browsing cluttering up your life? In the Tools menu, select Internet Options. In the General tab, under Tabs, click the Settings button. Uncheck the topmost checkbox, which is labelled Enable Tabbed Browsing (requires restarting Internet Explorer), and click OK. To enable the tabbed browsing function later,...