Steps Taken By Government Pakistan To Improve Tourism
Government of Pakistan is focusing on the traveling and tourism industry of Pakistan. Various governments which have ruled Pakistan do not give a huge amount of earning and fame to the traveling and tourism industry. Only promised were made by the early governments. The present government of Pakistan Tehreek Insaf is the first time government of this party. Prime Minister Imran Khan has given the idea of New Pakistan to the public. Everyone wants to know about Khan’s policies concerning Pakistan, how he will give technology to the traveling and tourism industry? Raja Yasir Humayun Sarfraz is the current Minister of Tourism in the Punjab Government. If you want to visit different cities in Pakistan then you will definitely choose Serene Air.
Many of the foreign tourists also have positive views of Pakistan after coming of Imran Khan in the government. More and more foreigners like to visit Pakistan for the purpose of traveling and tourism in Pakistan. The government has to take a specific number of steps for promoting tourism. The country has various tourist places and many of the notable ones are located in KPK. The prime minister had invited special bloggers for the promoting interest in tourism by following world-famous bloggers into in Pakistan. Many of the teams and individuals from outside come specially visit Pakistan. They return to their home countries and then tell the beauty of Pakistan to their families and friends. There are more chances that their once their positive views about Pakistan are restored to the full length, they make a plan for coming back to Pakistan. They want to do tourism in different areas of Pakistan. Every region of our country is extremely beautiful.
Government of Pakistan is also changing visa policy for Pakistan. It is making visa easy for the foreigners. This is very good for Pakistan and its people. This visa allows different kinds of easiness to those foreigners who want to come to Pakistan and like to contribute something for the country. Most of the experts from different good countries come to Pakistan and several of them like to work in different fields. They do extra-experts efforts after coming to Pakistan so that the economy of Pakistan would be stable. These are some of the advantages which are for those who are applying for the visa of Pakistan. It would allow travel and tourism agencies to work in a better way.
There are three types of visas which are issued to the citizens of the foreign countries for coming to Pakistan.
Visa on Arrival
Pakistan provides many countries on visa on arrival. Most of the famous countries are included in a list of them.
Angola | Argentina | Austria | Azerbaijan | Bahamas |
Bahrain | Barbados | Botswana | Brunei | Costa Rica |
Finland | Germany | Ghana | Iceland | Indonesia |
Italy | Japan | Jordan | Kuwait | Lithuania |
Luxembourg | Malaysia | Maldives | Malta | Monaco |
Mozambique | Nepal | New Zealand | Oman | Paraguay |
Qatar | Rwanda | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Samoa |
Saudi Arabia | Singapore | South Korea | Spain | Sri Lanka |
Switzerland | Tajikistan | Tanzania | Thailand | Tonga |
Trinidad and Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | United Arab Emirates | Zambia |
Business Visa on Arrival
96 countries have been selected from the Government of Pakistan for business issuing the visa on arrival. You must show that following requirement to be filled fulfilled.
- A recommendation letter from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the country of residence.
- You must have an invitation letter from a business organization recommended by the trade organization in Pakistan.
- A recommendation letter from Investor Consular of Board of Investment at the Pakistani mission abroad.
People From The Below Mentioned Can Apply For The Business Visa.
Algeria | Angola | Argentina | Australia | Austria |
Azerbaijan | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Belgium | Benin |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria | Cambodia |
Cameroon | Canada | Chile | China | Colombia |
Comoros | Croatia | Czech Republic | Denmark | Djibouti |
Ecuador | Egypt | Estonia | Finland | France |
The Gambia | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Guatemala |
Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Honduras | Hungary | Indonesia |
Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Italy | Ivory Coast |
Japan | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kuwait |
Latvia | Lebanon | Lithuania | Madagascar | Malaysia |
Mauritius | Mexico | Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique |
Myanmar | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nigeria | Norway |
Oman | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines |
Poland | Portugal | Qatar | Romania | Russia |
Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Sierra Leone | Singapore | Slovenia |
South Africa | South Korea | South Sudan | Spain | Sri Lanka |
Switzerland | Tajikistan | Tanzania | Thailand | Togo |
Tunisia | Turkey | Ukraine |
Online Visa:
Some Countries Are Allowed For The Online Visa.
Afghanistan | Armenia | Bhutan | Chad | DR Congo |
India | Israel | Libya | Mauritania | North Korea |
Somalia | Sudan | Syria | Yemen |
Government of Pakistan has also made houses of the ministers as tourist spots for outsiders. Many of the houses and residential areas have been opened for the public. Government is trying to do the following steps.
1. Constructing Infrastructure
Government is trying its best for the development of infrastructure which is required for traveling and tourism. There are several areas in KPK which have less development of the infrastructure. Government of Pakistan should focus on these issues more than any other problem. Heavy machinery is used in all of these processes is used but once the infrastructure is made when it comes under the benefits.
2. Social and Economic Challenges
Social and Economic Challenges are being in Pakistan. Most of the people are living under the tyranny of poverty. It is needed to be alleviated and corrected for the people. Security is the biggest challenge which is being faced by all over Pakistanis. Government is trying to take necessary measures for security and safety.
3. Introducing Tourist Police
Government has also introduced tourist police for the safety of the tourists who come for doing the traveling and tourism in Pakistan. This is a great step which has been by taken by the government. Such steps should have been taken by the Government of Pakistan.
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