Category: Wordpress


Why Online Marketing Doesn’t Need to Cost a Fortune

Although most businesses have some type of internet presence nowadays, a lot of them don’t fully understand the marketing potential of the internet. Small businesses blame high marketing costs as the reason they are unable to use the internet to their advantage, which is completely wrong. Online marketing campaigns can...

Protect your blog from spams 0

Protect your blog from spams

If you are sick of deleting spams, use yaCAPTCHA and forget spams. yaCAPTCHA is a CAPTCHA plugin for WordPress that helps you block comment spam from automated bots. In order to post comments, users will have to write down the characters that are part of an image. Since it is...

Importance of good website header design 3

Importance of good website header design

The first thing a visitor notices on a blog is its header. A header must make the site look professional, something that blends well with the main theme of your website. A header must be designed in such a manner that it pleases the returning visitors and at the same...

WordPress under attack, upgrade your blog now 2

WordPress under attack, upgrade your blog now

If you’re running a self-hosted WordPress blog that isn’t up-to-date (version 2.8.4), you’re advised to upgrade immediately to the latest version of the software to avoid an ongoing attack. Users of hosted blogs are not affected.

Blogs, WordPress and Google 3

Blogs, WordPress and Google

It’s no secret that a continually updated website with new content being added regularly stands a good chance of doing well in Google. One of the long standing methods to regularly expand a site’s content is through the use of a blog. ..

Link Directory Launched 1

Link Directory Launched

Here at the Links Directory I aim to provide my users / visitors with a broad range of superior quality links across a broad range of links within our directory. If you think you have a valuable website or business resource for the directory that you would like to share...

3 Quick WordPress SEO Tips 1

3 Quick WordPress SEO Tips

The default WordPress is pretty good in terms of it’s SEO capability – it let’s you add fresh content to your site and Search Engines love fresh content. But there are some things that you can do to change it to give your site’s a better chance in the Search...

WordPress 2.7: Coming Soon 0

WordPress 2.7: Coming Soon

As you may know, we’ve been working behind the scenes on the design and development of version 2.7 of the WordPress software that powers your blog. The administration interface you’re used to will be changing as a result of your feedback and the results of the usability testing we conducted...