The Best iOS Productivity App – Which One Do You Choose?
Photo by mrsdkrebs
I spent the last couple of days browsing through the huge Application offer the Apple Store has for its users. To be quite frank with you, I was blown away by the sheer amount of possibilities and I do not claim at any point that I covered the best iOS productivity Apps, but they are some of the most refined.
This list will see more and more additions with time, so check back from time to time. Until then, my main goal for each one was to see what it could offer you and how much would that set you back in cash. Is this Application really worth the money, do you really get more stuff done with the help of it or is it just money out of your pocket.
You can check out reviews for each one of them below so feel free to comment and share these articles. If you have some ideas or suggestions for other productivity Applications on iOS feel free to share and I will get to those as soon as possible. So let us keep it productive folks with some of the best iOS productivity Applications!
Clear – Clear Your Schedule!
After just recently upgrading my devices (and yes, that is plural), I decided to start browsing around. The first step was setting up some of my all-time favorites and the next step was finding some more cool Applications to help me in my job. As a writer you need to manage your own time, so I decided to give Clear, an iOS productivity App, a try!
There are literally hundreds of productivity Apps on the Apple Store, so finding something to fit your individual needs is difficult to say the least. They all come with some great features, but sometimes this can be too much. Clear managed to grab my attention rather quickly, so I decided to take it for a spin and see if I like it.
DC ToDo; What Do You Have To Do?
Productivity Apps come in very varied forms and shapes. They feature tons of cool little tricks and they can offer you a better control over your daily routine. As I said in other articles as well, as a writer you often lose track of time and keeping a keen eye open to see if you are advancing well is difficult to say the least. Have you finished those reviews, are you looking for new ideas. The lot. So let us see if DC ToDo can help.
My main concern when looking for productivity Applications on iOS is efficiency. I do not wish to spend hours just trying to configure it properly since that would beat the point of a productivity App. It is ironic that you would need hours just to set it up right? DC ToDo grabbed my eye thanks to its functionalities and its design, so let us see if it works out well.
Keynote – Get Your Notes In Order
Anyone that ever held a presentation knows the work that goes into these things. Starting with arranging all your ideas into one easily comprehensive material and then even highlighting the important elements, presentations are a difficult task. That is why Keynote, an iOS productivity Application, raised my interest.
The iOS store is teeming with productivity Apps, but most of them do not manage to stand out. However, Keynote is developed by Apple themselves and manages to really put those “i” devices to work. The sheer amount of things it can do is mind blowing, so let us get to it!
Ringo Tasks – What Are Your Tasks?
When you are anxious about getting all the work done you plan in one day, productivity Apps allow you to better manage your time. You might even end up in a situation in which you can even squeeze in that date you had to put off for a while or get together with some friends for a relaxing evening. In my line of work, you are the master of your own time, so managing it, is a challenge in itself. Meet Ringo Tasks!
Ringo Tasks is an iOS productivity App that allows you to quickly manage your ongoing activities and best of all, your time. Currently we find ourselves overwhelmed a lot of the time, so trying to put some order into that can be quite difficult. Ringo Tasks is here to give us that helping hand some of us desperately require.
Purpose – Define And Achieve Your Purpose
Most productivity Applications available for any platform, focus simply on a series of tasks that need to be completed. These most of the times are nothing else but small notes with a time frame attached to them. However, sometimes that is enough, but when your schedule seems to be crowding up quickly, you might need that extra help, so for that scenario, meet Purpose.
Purpose is an iOS productivity Application designed to give you better control over your tasks. Whereas other productivity Apps just sum up your daily tasks, purpose manages to organize them and give you a much ampler control over them. These tasks can be either 5 minute phone calls, or long term plans and projects. So for that, let us see what it delivers.
FileSafeBox – Are Your Files Secure?
Security is always an issue that users should consider whether it is about their computers, their laptops or their portable devices. An email address can contain a huge amount of personal or private information and our smartphones usually contain even more than that. In order to keep those sensitive files and folders save, meet FileSafeBox.
FileSafeBox is an iOS productivity App that helps you increase the security of your device a step further. You might feel a little bit weird even when a friend or family member might borrow your phone (or that is just me being paranoid), so adding an extra layer of protection can help. So what does this little Application offer in the end.
Swipe – Get Those Text Messages Out In A Hurry!
Some of the biggest changes that occurred throughout history were not that radical to begin with. Most of the times, it is the little things that have a great impact on us and that is the case with Swipe. You might think that you are just dealing with another software keyboard for your device, but you would be very wrong to say that.
Swipe is a true and true iOS productivity Application that allows you to get those emails and messages out in a hurry. Forget about introducing each and every symbol with a separate press anymore, since Swipe will boost that typing speed of yours by miles. So what else does it bring to the end user after you get it up and running?
ATracker – Keep Track Of Your Day
When I first started writing articles, the biggest challenge I faced was related to managing my time. I simply did not know how much time a specific piece could take to complete not to mention that each new job can use a different interface for article posting and the list goes on. Determining how much time you spend on a certain activity and trying to smooth out your day is now done with ATracker!
Out of all the iOS productivity Applications I went through in the past couple of days, ATracker seemed one of the best. The sheer amount of options this gives you and the way it presents itself, make this one of the best productivity Applications out on the market. So what do you get once you download and install it?
Actually – What You Actually Want To Do
What I actually wanted to say (I am so clever) is that this is one fun little productivity Application for iOS. There are a lot of these lurking around on the iOS store, but what caught my attention was the very clean and intuitive interface. I know you heard those words a few times before, but if you ever used Clear, another iOS productivity App, then you will feel right at home with Actually.
Actually is a great App from a number of perspectives and I managed to truly understand where its power lies in. Not only does it look great, but the way it handles makes me want to do more stuff since most of the time my lists are really short – work, eat, gym, work, sleep. Most of the time it is those and then repeat, but for the sake of entertainment and education, let us see what else this can do.
iAction – Take Action In Your Life
In case you spent some time looking around the page, you might know by now that I was rather busy reviewing the newest iOS productivity Applications. After so much time, I got to see what the general idea was behind most of them, but none of those reviewed Apps had the Approach iAction said.
However, that does not necessarily mean that I like iAction and there are some elements that just rubbed me in the wrong way. But I will get to those quickly enough, until then, we are dealing with another iOS productivity Application that should in theory help you get more done in a shorter period. So let us see what all the fuss is about!