Baba-e-Quam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Salam guys,
Today 11th September is death anaversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhamad Ali Jinah (Founder of Pakistan). So guys give your best tribute to him as sharing videos, quotes, pictures any thing u like to share on his glorious effort in making of our lovely nation PAKISTAN. With a sense of supreme satisfaction at the fulfillment of his mission that Jinnah told the nation in his last message on 14 August, 1948:
The foundations of your State have been laid and it is now for you to build and build as quickly and as well as you can.
You must remember that Islam is not merely a religious doctrine but a realistic and practical code of conduct. I am thinking in terms of life, of everything important in life. I am thinking in terms of our history, our heroes, our art, our architecture, our music, our laws, our jurisprudence……. In all things our outlook is not only fundamentally different but often radically antagonistic to the Hindus. We are different beings. There is nothing in life which links us together. Our names, our clothes, our foods — they are all different; our economic life, our educational ideas, our treatment of women, our attitude to animals… …. we challenge each other at every point of the compass.
To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built up for the government of such a state.
Interview with Beverly Nichols, 1943
The monumental tomb of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, is situated on a natural plateau within a 53 hectare park in the city of Karachi. The approach to the mausoleum is a terraced and landscaped avenue emphasized by fifteen successive fountains. This leads to a platform measuring 75x75m and 4m high, with steps on three sides, which forms the base of the mausoleum. The edifice, square in plan with tapering walls, is surmounted by a dome rising to a height of 43m. Four pointed arches open into the mausoleum from each of the four façades. The interior space is an octagon with a ceremonial sarcophagus in the centre. The actual tomb is located in a subterranean chamber immediately underneath. All exteriors and interiors are finished with marble and the interior of the dome with stucco. The openings above the doorways are lattice work.
A man such as Jinnah, who had fought for the inherent rights of his people all through his life and who had taken up the somewhat unconventional and the largely misinterpreted cause of Pakistan, was bound to generate violent opposition and excite implacable hostility and was likely to be largely misunderstood. But what is most remarkable about Jinnah is that he was the recipient of some of the greatest tributes paid to any one in modern times, some of them even from those who held a diametrically opposed viewpoint.
“Jinnah is the most important man in Asia because he can sway the battle this way or that way as he chooses. His 100 million Muslims will march to the left, to the right, to the front, to the rear at his binding and nobody else’s – that is the point. If Gandhi goes, there is always Nehru, or Rajagopalchari, or Patel or a dozen others. But if Jinnah goes, who is there?” (Beverly Nichols, British author and reporter, 1943)
“Mr. M A Jinnah himself was more advanced than most of his colleagues of the Muslim League. Indeed he stood head and shoulders above them and had therefore become the indispensable leader and eventually he became the Muslim League.” (Nehru, Discovery of India)
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Father of the Nation…
We Salute Him
Great Leader Great Person Jinah